Stuck in a Furrow

Friday, March 10, 2006

It Was A Doozie!

Have you ever had one of the those big, nasty, knock-down, drag 'em out fights that some couples seem to have? I never have...but always wanted to. I guess I just like to fight but Zorro was too big of a pansy, although he did call me a fucker once after I asked him to help with the dishes. He didn't "do" dishes. Not cool. Anyways, on my walk home from work yesterday, there was a big ruckus and as I rounded the corner, I was almost pelted with a shoe. Yup...a shoe and suddenly I was in the middle of a domestic battle! Clothes were flying, the F-bomb was dropping and some poor guy (although he was cute.....maybe he needs a place to stay...hmmm) was picking his whole life up off the muddy ground. Sounded like he cheated but really, who I am to judge? All I know is that he is a jerk and she never wants to see him again. Oh. That hurts. The best part, is that she was on the balcony and he was standing below, pleading for her to reconsider. Under different circumstances, it was very Romeo and Juliet. Almost in a disturbingly romantic way.

I think I've been single for too long.
posted by Crystal at 1:44 PM


You may want to find someone quick!

Sounds like it is straight out of a movie. I didn't think that happened in real life. I knew there was a reason why I wanted a balcony!

6:48 PM  

So you could throw shoes off it as well?

10:01 PM  

She was throwing all kinds of, pants, I'm sure there were even some CDs. I, of course, was walking as slow as can be without actually seeming obvious!

Now I want a balcony. I love drama!

8:03 PM  

I would just throw stuff at random. Even with no one there. How fun would that be!

12:56 PM  

More fun than I could ever hope for or imagine...I might just throw stuff out my front door just to see what it feels like.

2:45 PM  

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