Stuck in a Furrow

Thursday, December 21, 2006

My Non-Date Date

I was invited to the Flames Staff Christmas Party last night. It was a great time and I wish my own company Christmas Party was just as fun. I was invited as the non-date date of a friend of a friend. Confused? My friend Sarah's boyfriend Brandon works at the 'Dome as a vendor. His friend Mick had an extra ticket and I was the lucky recepient. Sarah called to see if I wanted to come and I'm really glad she did. She assured me that this was not a set up and it wasn't. Really! It wasn't awkward at all, which is nice and he is a really great guy. And funny. And normal. And a gentleman. AND he volunteers with the Special Olympics. AND he is my age. AND...he was wearing a blue shirt. (*sigh*)

Anyways, there was food and wine and a bar and dancing and cheesy holiday photos and door prizes. I didn't partake in the dancing but did enjoy the bar and the wine. Don't worry, I didn't enjoy it TOO much.

I am usually very unlucky at these events and never win a thing. Tonight, my luck changed! I won 2 things...They were reading the list of prizes and I won a signed Hitmen jersey. Mick went to get it for me as I was too lazy to walk to the front of the hall to get it. When he got back to the table, I let him keep it. Partially becasue I'm nice and sweet and partially becuase what am I going to do with a jersey. He gave me his seat ticket in return so I could have a chance to win again. Lo and Behold, I did! I won a Firefly Snowboard jacket which has more pockets and fun features than I know what to do with! It is way to big for me so I'm not sure what I am going to do with it. The tags were removed so I can't return it but I might try to anyways and exchange it for a smaller size. We'll see. Or maybe I'll regift.

It was a really fun evening, even down to the bazillion photos that Sarah and I took of ourselves on Mick's camera and the ones we had done with the photographer in front of the decorated tree.
(By the way, the tree had deer on it and peeking out of the branches. Even the tree topper was a wreath of berries and a deer head crafted out of many willow branches. It was very interesting!)
posted by Crystal at 7:04 AM


Love it! Fun post! And I'm glad you really do like me...let's set up another non-date date soon!

8:40 AM  

Sounds good to me!

5:06 PM  

Did you meet any hockey players?

Or Ralph the Dog?

5:29 PM  

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