Stuck in a Furrow

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Tuesday Morning Rant

I don't understand why people who have young children get to park so darn close to the mall entrance. They are not handicapped. They are not disabled and unable to walk the extra distance like the rest of us. Does pushing a stroller really take that much extra effort? Maybe I should just buy myself a stroller. It would sure be easier to carry my shopping bags that way. Maybe if families had to park in regular spots they'd think twice about bringing screaming Johnny and whinning Susie to the mall where they run their ice-cream covered fingers along my recently cleaned glass countertops while mom is oblivious. How come it is now my responsibility to make sure their children stay out of my back room or behind the front counter? This is a jewelery store, not Romper Room. Control your own kids. My mom would have smacked me upside the head if I behaved like that. And rightly so. I have discovered a whole new level of dislike for these volvo-driving, Lululemon wearing, SUV stoller soccer moms with their 2.5 Gap poster children. They drive me insane.
posted by Crystal at 8:53 AM


Wow. Remind me to never let you babysit when I have kids! I totally understand though. Why can't parents be parents anymore? Why are children so awful? I know that raising kids is the hardest job in the world and I have really no idea what that's like but it's gotta be easier to teach your kids to behave when they're young than to try to change them when they're older. Until we're parents and our children are perfectly behaved little darlings, I guess we'll just have to keep on complaining!

11:23 AM  

It isn't that I don't like kids...just the unruly bratty, crying ones. My kids will be angels. And they will be cute...they will take after me!

11:37 AM  

I think those parking stalls are meant for the women with very very young children. Because honestly - it's a flipping pain in the ass getting those little ones in and out of the car(I speak only of the ones that are too young to help) - and when it is cold outside - those stalls are necessary.

What pisses me off (almost as much as non-disabled people parking in handi spots - or WORSE perfectly capable elderly getting handi stickers so they can park in the handi spots) is parents who have kids that WALK parking in those spots that really should be reserved for the poor poor women who are either 8.5 months pregnant OR have a small child (or two or three) under the age of 1.

That is my rant.

6:48 PM  

And damnit. My kids are going to be so well behaved.

Spankings are still a necessary institution.

6:50 PM  

I agree that severely pregger women and women with newborns should get to use those spots...but they never do! It is always the ones with 4 and 5 year olds.

Ahh...the good ol' spanking debate. Personally, I'm all for it. My parents spanked me weekly and I turned out homicidal tendancies yet. ;)

8:59 AM  

I don't remember ever getting a spanking but I do know I was afraid of them. There's nothing wrong with instilling a healthy dose of fear in your children. Not fear like they flinch when you come in the room but respect. You can't expect darling little children when they're the one's in charge in your house. I get such a kick out of the Nanny 911 show for that reason. The parents just don't have a clue about discipline and how to control their kids.

Now that I've said that, I'm sure my kids will be the ones running around in restaraunts and pulling things apart in stores.

10:09 AM  

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