Stuck in a Furrow

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

This Bullet Doesn't Taste Very Good....

I had to finally tell someone that I just wasn't interested in a relationship. I dreaded having to do it. I stressed about it, got some advice and finally just emailed him. (I know what you are thinking, that email is lame and a woosie way to go about this but I don't even have his phone number.) I can probably count on one hand the number of times that I've had to tell someone this. It isn't like boys are beating down my door and I get a lot of practice in the rejection category. I was sort of hoping that he would just get the hint if I blocked him on MSN or just didn't say hi. I even figured that he had lost interest when he didn't say anything online either. No such luck! We haven't hung out since September. SEPTEMBER! We did have some fun dates before then, but there was always a little awkwardness attached. I figured it was a bad sign if the thought of him getting anywhere near me, freaked me out...not that I'm a prude or anything. Really. I actually watched a whole movie sitting forward so he wouldn't get any "funny" ideas! I just wanted to watch the movie... I always had a million and one excuses as to why I was too busy to meet him. Friends, work, church, family functions, washing my hair, plucking my eyebrows, blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda. But this time, when he asked and I couldn't come up with a plausible excuse that I hadn't used yet, I knew it was time to bite the bullet and cut him loose. Don't get me wrong, he was a great guy. Friendly, funny, good job, independant, older than me (but not taller...that was an issue) but there was something missing. That spark. Chemistry. He was more in the friend department but I knew better than to say that. Besides, then I'd be stuck doing the "friend" thing when in reality, friends do coffee and I didn't want to have coffee. So that is the end of that. It is a relief to not have to be creative in my excuses anymore but it still sucks. I'm now back to no dating prospects. At least 30 is just around the corner...I only have to make it until then!

Maybe I should have taken Nelson up on his proposal...
posted by Crystal at 12:52 PM


Good for you! I don't envy having to do it though. Has he responded? Do you expect him to? You should keep a copy of what you wrote to him just in case you (or me!) are ever in that situation again. Way to go!

1:33 PM  

I tried to bcc it to you but it wouldn't send! He hasn't responded and I don't expect him too...he hasn't blocked me yet on MSN.

2:03 PM  

Maybe you should've taken Nelson up on his proposal. Wouldn't that have been an excellent email to send home...

Dear Family and Friends,
I've decided to leave my life in Canada and marry the love of my life - or well, two weeks - Nelson, and live here in Mozambique with him.

Love, Crystal

Imagine the heart attack wave hitting Linden that day!

2:39 PM  

It just dawned on me that I guess I shouldn't laugh too much about could've happened!

2:41 PM mom would have shit a brick! but, I could have gotten married on a beach and it would have been dirt cheap!

3:34 PM  

It sounds like you just want a vacation, on a beach for cheap. It's call an all-inclusive! That way when you get home you don't have that messy marriage to deal with.

9:28 AM  


3:40 PM  

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