Stuck in a Furrow

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years

Happy New Year!

I think this could have been one of the most fun New Year's I have had in a few years...although there really isn't any competition.

New Year's 05 - Party with co-workers and then people from highschool.
New Year's 04 - "worked" at Denny's 'cause they were short staffed. It wasn't a great way to start 04 and it went downhill from there.
New Years 03 - Montana babysitting and drinking really bad champagne. At least the kids were cute and it was a minivacation. maybe this year was a close second.
New Year 02 - Watched the ball drop at home after we didn't bother to make any real plans.

Anyways, this year, I went to a party at a friend's housesitting place. It was out in Bearspaw and is an absolutely gorgeous house. We had a fire and then went skating on the outdoor rink, in their backyard. I didn't particpate in the skating as I don't even know where my skates are. I would probably have been much warmer if I was skating but it was a lot of fun to watch. Then we headed inside to warm our cold toes and partake in some yummy food. We watched the countdown and then just hung out and watched Pirates of the Caribean. It was fun to hang out with a group of people that I love to be with and make some new friends in the process.

No...I didn't get my New Year's kiss but it was great nonetheless! And so far, 2007 is shaping up to be a great year....holding lots of promise!
posted by Crystal at 8:50 PM


Was truly an excellent way to start the new year!

10:01 AM  

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