Stuck in a Furrow
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I was reminded this morning that the season of lent is upon us. It apparently starts tomorrow! I had great aspirations of giving up internet for the next 30 days. Last year I gave up TV and this wasn't really all that difficult. I didn't have a TV. I am not sure if I can actually make it without internet but I am going to try. It is only a month, right? I spend a lot of time reading blogs and checking my email and surfing the net and that is time that I could use for other things....So, I'm going to not use it. Or try not to at least. I decided to not use the internet at home aside from work (typing) and to only use it on my lunch break at SP. That way I can still post blogs and do my banking. This could be tricky. Maybe I'll get more done. Or maybe I'll go crazy without internet. Only time will tell....
posted by Crystal at 12:42 PM
I think you'll go nuts for a while but be able to accomplish this. I'm going to attempt to give up Starbucks. I'm not sure I'll make it to the weekend!
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