Stuck in a Furrow
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
1835 Days? Is that it??
I found an article online today. How depressing.
I made a bet with my cousin Randy that I would be married by the time I was 25. This was going to cost him a whopping 25 bucks! Back when we made this bet, I was off to Bible School and it seemed completely do-able to get married by then. Getting married around 24 or 25 seemed like the perfect age to take the plunge and this gave me plenty of time to get done all the crazy stuff I wanted to do as a single. I was even close to making this marriage goal but things worked out for the best ;) I am now nearing that 25 mark and Randy, being the stellar guy that he is...extended my 'deadline'. It is now 28. Only a mere 3 years away. I might as well just fork over my 25 bucks and admit defeat.
Apparently, when this article was written for Newsweek 20 years ago, women who hit the big 3-0 had a better change of getting killed by terrorists then getting married.
Those are not good odds!
I made a bet with my cousin Randy that I would be married by the time I was 25. This was going to cost him a whopping 25 bucks! Back when we made this bet, I was off to Bible School and it seemed completely do-able to get married by then. Getting married around 24 or 25 seemed like the perfect age to take the plunge and this gave me plenty of time to get done all the crazy stuff I wanted to do as a single. I was even close to making this marriage goal but things worked out for the best ;) I am now nearing that 25 mark and Randy, being the stellar guy that he is...extended my 'deadline'. It is now 28. Only a mere 3 years away. I might as well just fork over my 25 bucks and admit defeat.
Apparently, when this article was written for Newsweek 20 years ago, women who hit the big 3-0 had a better change of getting killed by terrorists then getting married.
Those are not good odds!
posted by Crystal at 2:08 PM
I read the same article and I have to say it made me feel a little better. I don't like the fact that I'm now sitting at the average age for marriage though. That means I'm soon going to be one of those women who are over the average and in my mind, rather pathetic. But soon you're going to be joining me. We can be pathetic together. Ha ha ha.
By the way, nice dog, eh?
I thought the article was quite encouraging as well. I have one more year! I'm going to print that off and give it to the grandparents and tell them to BACK OFF!
It definetly is encouraging to know that in the middle of all my friends and family getting married at the ripe of age of 21, I am not the odd one out...and for the most part, I enjoy being an unmarried. It means I can go out after my birthday shindig and dance the night away without worrying about my hubby...or bf. And, I don't have to run it by my husband to see if I can make plans on Saturday night. And no washing someone elses socks! Ewww.
It is just depressing to know how much my odds go down the older I if 30 is old and decrepid. Of course, I'd rather be older and more stable in myself than getting married at 20 and figuring out that I missed out on a lot of life later on.
I wouldn't say that not being married is even close to pathetic! So many people get married for that reason. They get married either cause they figure thats what they are supposed to do, or cause of thier friends have paired off.
I personally would rather see you (Crystal), take your time, and settle down with someone that is an awesome match for you, and not rush into something just for the label.
And the fact that you are still looking and cogniscent of the fact that you had a near miss to a bad marriage, means that you already know more about yourself and what you want than most women your age.
Why settle?
Words of wisdom for all of us.
I always find it so interesting how our generation has seemingly been given a whole extra decade to experience life as a single man or woman. Our parents, and certainly our grandparents, did not really have this option. We get to have a few jobs, travel the world, date many differant types of people all before we settle into the responsibilities of family life. I'm certainly not complaining.
By the way Crystal, some of us in Winnipeg have started a "30 Club," basically seeing if we can maintain our single status throughout our twenties. The way i look at it 40 is the new 30. We're still accepting new memebrs if you are interested. ha ha
Hmmm...That doesn't sound like a bad idea! Would defintely take the pressure off...then maybe my grandparents would back off if I had a 'legitimate' excuse.
Sorry Grandma, I can't get married yet because, see, there is this club...
:) I like it
Be careful Crystal, he is trying to turn you into one of those...
Don't be converted to a Winnipegger Crystal!!!! Don't give in! I do like the 30 club idea though...since that seems to be where I am also headed. So much for this being my year!
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