Stuck in a Furrow

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ode to My Pen

I have a simple rule at my office. Don't touch my pen. This means, don't play with my pen, don't put it in your pocket, don't use it and don't give it to patients, even for a second. I like my pen and don't want it to go missing.I am very particular about my blue ink pen and admit that I take much ribbing about it. It is actually the first thing that I tell new staff. DON'T TOUCH MY PEN. I take it home with me at the end of the day. I keep in in my pocket or in my hand when I'm working. I am never far from my beloved pen. So, I bring my own pen and often feel quite bonded to my writing utensil. (I will even use my own pen at the jewelery store. I think I might have OCD)

Today, my pen died! And, gasp, I had to use one of the regular office pens. These are the cheapest pens Dr. P can find and infact, they are often freebies from conventions and hotels. They don't write as nice as my pen. They don't feel the same as my pen. They constantly disappoint me.

Oh sweet pen. How I will miss you so. You have been with me to Africa and on many exciting adventures. But, life moves on and when I get home this afternoon, you, my friend, will be replaced. I will shed a single tear for you and then my mourning will be over.

So long.
posted by Crystal at 3:17 PM


Poor Pen! I feel your pain! My favourite of all time was the same style as yours but in purple ink. I loved it and on a couple of occasions when it went missing, I tracked it down in the office and yelled at the person who took it. You know you can get refills for them right?

4:45 PM  

what?!?! My day has just brightened...or I could just buy the same pen again...or a pack of them. That'd be smarter!

4:56 PM  

oh no you didn't! My pen wrote so nicely and I'm afraid that branching out will be darn near impossible.

A few months ago, in February, my hairbrush met its fate and it was even more traumatic...just ask Carmen!

10:16 PM  

I completely agree with Crystal on this one. If someone in my office takes anything from my area, I seriously track it down. They are MY things. If you need to borrow something, ask me. If I'm not around when you need to borrow it, leave a note. Especially since I buy some of these things for myself, I don't want them ending up in the back corner of the warehouse or in someone's car.

And the hairbrush - so, so sad. ~tear~

8:46 AM  

Do you remember when we made fun of Aurelie cause she was able to keep a pen long enough for it to dry up? Just an observation

You need to watch this.

10:08 AM  

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