Stuck in a Furrow

Friday, June 30, 2006

'Tis Bittersweet

Today's the day.

I only have 1/2 day of work, then a lunch and then I should be outta there. Of course, I know I probably will have to stick around to help the new girl but it won't be a full day. Yippee! I am a little sad to be done fulltime, but I know that this job move will be awesome. And, I will still be working part time to do the typing and billing and basically everything the new girl isn't competant enough to do...which is seemingly a lot.

She can't do basic math. At all! I'm actually wondering how she ever graduated from highschool. It isn't like we are asking her to multiply huge numbers together or do universtiy level is literally doing weights and smoking history.

Let me explain (and rant a bit)

On our form, we have a question asking about the smoking history. It asks if they are a smoker (Y/N/Quit), how many cigarettes/day and for how many years. Then, if they quit smoking, the next question asks what year they quit smoking, and for how many years they smoked. When we enter it into our computers, you have to put A) the year of onset B) Packs/day and C)year of quitting. Basic stuff. She, in all her intelligence, can't figure out how to arrive at the year of onset.

This was an actual conversation we had yesterday. It is a good thing we just finished studying patience in my small group!

Pearl: So, how do I figure out when she started smoking?
Crystal: Well, when did she quit?
Pearl: Last year.
Crystal: How many years did she smoke?
Pearl: 21
Crystal: Ok...(hoping she'll clue in to the stupidity of her question....nope!)
Crystal: Ok...what year was that?
Pearl: 2005
Crystal: and she smoked for 21 years, so......(still hoping...hoping, hoping...NOPE)
Crystal: take the year now, and minus the number of years she smoked...(really slow talking. She has to get this, right?)
Pearl: OHHHH. So I just minus it.
Crystal: Yup! (Phew)
Pearl: So she started smoking in 93!
Crystal: Oh God!
posted by Crystal at 7:58 AM


I'm sure it is a little bitter sweet to be leaving. But I can't wait until you're working up in my area. By the way, are you up for lunch one day next week to celebrate?

As for training the new girl, wow. I've trained some slow ones before, but that's really bad. At least you're not going to have to deal with her everyday now. Imagine if you were staying and she was just hired as help. She'd drive you nuts!

8:48 AM  

She won't be staying. he is letting her go as soon as I can train the new one.


9:55 AM  

You are hilarious!

3:33 PM  

It's weird how we look forward to leave our job to move on to better things, but when that time comes... we get scared and wonder if we made the right decision. I know you will love your new job and will never look back!

That had me laughing out loud. The answer was 91 right?

10:04 AM  

Shite. What was wrong with 93?

And I HAVE University Math.

9:57 PM  

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