Stuck in a Furrow

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"Till The Wheels Fall Off!

Last year, on the last Wednesday of October, was a rather eventful evening.

I was living at home to save for my trip.

I branched out and decided to actually get involved at my church to meet some new people. I joined a small group of "singles" and it was my first meeting with them.

I came home, exhilerated at the fun time I had and knew that these women were going to be new friends.

I had put a message in the Fast Forward magazine. (FYI-Just because you miss something, doesn't mean you want it back. I miss the simplicity of using a banana clip to do my hair. I don't want them to come back.)

My cell rang...the ex.

Coffee? Sure. Wait. I'm backing out. The thought of getting my heart ripped out again was too much to even consider.

The next day, I got that fantastic email.(and by fantastic, I mean that reading it made me cry in the middle of an interview with MY replacement) I blocked most of it from my memory but it was informing me of an HER! Crap. What? A wedding in the fall?

I cried. I bitched. I vented. I bitched. And I cried.

And I got over it....slowly...very, very slowly.

What a differance a year makes.
posted by Crystal at 10:21 PM


I can't believe it's been a year. A year doesn't seem very long but, man, a lot can happen.

8:17 AM  

I remember how totally sick I was when you called to tell me about it. If there's one consollation, I guess it doesn't take too long for poorly made cars to have their wheels fall off!

8:53 AM  

awww yes I remember it well.. and not fondly.. was a hard night for all of us.. I rememeber the good talk we had.. and the hug after.. Wow alot has happened in a year..

12:41 PM  

I say we track him down, and whack him with a wet noodle.

9:58 PM  

hehehe...a wet noodle...

10:12 PM  

Ya, it wasn't fun but we're always there for you, even though I left the room at the time because I didn't want you to fall for this all again. I should've had more faith in you at the time. You've come a long way, baby.
I wanna see the wet noodle you'd use today on him!!

1:40 PM  

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