Stuck in a Furrow

Thursday, November 23, 2006

In a Mood

Let's get this straight. First In...First Out. This is the basic, most elementary rule of driving and 4 way stops. If you beat me there, you go first. Don't wave me though, smiling all chipper and think that you are doing the world a favor by being so nice. NOPE! Just freakin' go. It is your turn and the law was made to avoid mass confusion and stupid accidents. Should I go? No wait, he's going. Is he is going? Ok...I'll stop. No, he's stopping. I'll go. Crap. Crash! Seriously. Don't wave me through. I have the stubbornness of a mule. I will wait all blessed day if I have to. First in. First out. Or go back to driver's ed.

As you can probably tell, I'm having one of those days. Or weeks. I could hardly get out of bed this morning due to lack of motiviation. Pure and simple. Another day of opening mail (yup. I open mail. Mock away. ) and telling my two co-workers what to do every single step of the way was almost to much to bear. I'm so crazy behind in my transcription that I can't even bother to get caught up and so my weekend is already shot to shit. That amounts to about 12 hours of straight typing on Saturday to even get 1/2 done. I have to finish this book on leadership for this course that I'm taking and I am almost done but have trouble finding the time to get through it. My house is a mess and I literaly have about 5 items of clothes actually hanging in the closet. If you know how many clothes I have, this is astounding. They are all on the floor awaiting laundry, which I don't know when I will get done. I may have to go to work nekked next week and that won't be pretty. There just isn't enough time to my days!

I'm just in a mood. It will pass.
posted by Crystal at 6:27 PM


I hope your today is better. You're allowed to vent.

I think people wave you across or whatever at 4-way stops not because they are kind but because they really don't know the rules, so now they have to, before you do, make it look like you're the idiot not moving. Jerks.

Have a happy booger-freezing day!

8:32 AM  

Maybe there's something in our water...I'm having a grumpy week too! I don't have the stress adding onto mine like you do, but absolutely everything is bothering me. I just want to go home and cry at night.

Want me to come and do your laundry for you?

8:59 AM  

Go to work Nekked!

Just make sure to come to yoga with clothes ON! I don't need to see that while working on my forward bends.

9:11 AM  

Working on blocking THAT mental image.

Maybe you need to hire a maid! Or figure out a way to type letters while at SP.

9:27 AM  

It's the weekend, Crystal! Hopefully you'll have a restful one. You impressed me with your 100 List. I'm thinking of doing that after report cards are over...sadly, though, I really want to do it just to avoid and procrastinate all this work even longer. It's quite the battle...

10:07 AM  

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