Stuck in a Furrow

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Oh...The Schedule

It has been such a busy week and I don't see the busyness ending anytime soon.

Last week brough about some excitment in the good ol' mail room. We received a shoebox filled to the brim with white powder. My manager opened the box and ordered us all out of the room after he realized that after the intial assumption that something broke in the box, that it was actually filled to the brim with powder. Out came gloves and a facemask as his fingers were tingling and it stunk! Turns out that some genius in NFLD decided that the people of Kenya needed a lice medication. He enclosed a nice note, at the bottom of the box explaining his intentions. The box went in the garbage and the letter went to our donor ministries department. They will give him a nice call and politely explain why mailing a white, unknown powder is not a great idea.

Then, on Thursday, Timothy and I weaseled our way into the Billy Graham side of the organiziation and got ourselves a trip to Banff. We were "security" for a private Starfield concert as they were playing to a group of about 60 youth who had come to BG for an evangelistic conferance. They played at the Banff Springs in the theater. They was very little security involved as the kids were so well behaved but we had a great time hanging out with co-workers and enjoying the show. Intimate and interactive is the way to go! I enjoy Starfield but have a hard time watching the lead singer who looks exactly the like ex. Creepy. At least I didn't want to vomit or throw things this time. Progress people. The show was good and we headed back to the Banff Conferance Centre for a night in that hotel. I had my own room. With a king size bed. And TLC. It was glorious! They fed us well and we were disappointed to have to go back to work on Friday for a 1/2 day.

Friday night was Meet Joe and then Saturday was my Joshua Project. We had our "interviews" with the elders of the church to see where we are at. I was scared shitless as I don't do well in these situations but it went really well. We had to know the core values of RPC and what our leadership style was as well as our spiritual pathway, (or the way we connect to God the most. I am a managerial leader and a worship pathway, FYI). We had to explain our holy discontent and what we wanted to see changed. My elders were so encouraging and told me that I seemed to have a lot of clarity about my life and the direction that God is leading me. I also discovered that my holy discontent, is being address in an upcoming weekend at RPC. Yippee!

This week is shaping up to be just as crazy as I try to balance work, social life, job #2, church and life in general.

Sunday: Sushi with the family
Monday: Volunteering at the church
Tuesday: Yoga. I can't miss this!
Wednesday: Night off? I wish...I will be working
Thursday: Small Group. I miss these ladies and am excited to get together
Friday: Roughnecks game?
Saturday: Work and then poker night
Sunday: Rest? I wish....
posted by Crystal at 2:30 PM


It's good to be busy, especially with things that we love to do and when I read about it, sounds like you are loving it. Proud of you and your accomplishments.

4:24 PM  

Holy Disconnect?
Spiritual Pathway?
Sounds like I have been away from church for awhile. I am out of the loop.

Sounds like, even though you are busy, you are having fun!

8:08 AM  

HAHA. I didn't know these terms either until I read a book on leadership. Now I sound smart.

11:20 AM  

So you are coming to poker night, eh?! Sweet! Your holy doscontent is in church soon?! FIll me in!!! I'm excited becuse we share our discontents!

4:20 PM  

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