Stuck in a Furrow

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


My parents have decided to have a garage sale. I'm not sure I see the point of a garage sale as they are so much work for such little cash in return, unless you have some good stuff...

In an attempt to clean out some of my junk and contribute to the garage sale, I have been sorting through some stuff that has been lying around my house. Books are getting the boot, clothes that I can only dream about fitting into again (don't fret, I'm hanging onto the leather pant. One day...), lamps and various random things have found their way into a pile by my door.

Some of the cleaning has produced a pile of stuff that I can't bear to throw away and I've been sorting through some things located in my hopeless chest (as my father lovingly calls it!). I have had fun spending the evening looking through my collection of stuff that ranges from odd keepsakes to stuff that makes me smile with memories.

My hopeless chest contains so many things from birthday cards and funeral programs to my baby blanket, yearbooks, and an entire collection of crystal.

My monkey/banana slippers from Grandma S.

My grad present from my first boyfriend.

My Good Shepherd that Grandma bought me after Corey died.

A crystal goblet. I have 4 of these, as well as a water pitcher, napkin holders, candy dish, picture frame and oraments!

This stuff I can't bear to part with and probably never will! I will be glad to pawn off some of my junk to some unsuspecting person but as for my cuckoo clock with the the broken hands or my first piggybank? They may just be treasure to me.
posted by Crystal at 10:17 PM


Some treasures are meant to remain treasures I think. I have some stuff that I can donate to your garage sale if you want.

4:08 PM  

Bring it over Carmen.

Maybe your 'Rosie' doll will be worth something someday.

8:52 AM  

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