Stuck in a Furrow

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Since I was tagged by Amber, so it's now my turn to share 7 random facts.

Here are the rules… Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog.

1. I sleep with a stuffed duck named Sebastian. I got him about 5 years ago for Easter after I was diagnosed with diabetes. My brother got chocolate, I got the pity duck.

2. I am not a fan of Peter's Drive In, the Star Wars trilogy or yogurt. And don't even get me started on U2.

3. I like to get a manicure when I'm having a bad day or week.

4. I wish I was more domesticated. I can't sew, cook or plant a garden but I have great aspirations of being able to do these things when/if I get married and my husband is forced to be encouraging about my failed attempts!

5. I hate not finishing a book that I've started, even if it sucks and I am bored by it. I always wonder that if I don't finish it, will I miss out on the good part?

6. My favourite Disney character is Tinkerbell. She is sassy and spunky and can fly. I bought myself a Tinkerbell mug and bag when I was at Disneyland this weekend. It is not an obsession...yet.

7. My ideal vacation does not really involve laying on a beach somewhere suntanning myself into a leathery raisin. I am more of a "lets go and do something" kind of girl.

So there you have it. Now I get to tag 7 people...let's see....

I tag: Craig, Carmen, Mick, Shara A, Mom, Sarah and Shara B!
posted by Crystal at 12:30 PM


love it...just wanted to let you know that despite my lack of comments that I check your blog regularly and enjoy you and how you write.

Yup, alittle mushiness coming your way!

2:48 PM  

And just so you know, even after alomst 6 years of marriage I am really not very domestic...lucky my husband is a bit.

Sometime I want to hear about U2

2:49 PM  

A pity duck is just one letter away from a pity... well you know. Oh wait, maybe that was a typo, the 'd' and the 'f' are right side by side on the keyboard.

Okay, I'm sick.

I guess it's my turn. When do I have to have this done by?

4:37 PM  

whenever. It is kinda hard...and a pity "_uck" only lasts for a few minutes (if your lucky) while Sebastian is around for forever!

12:17 PM  

I love the raisen part, that's funny! I agree, I don't like those vaca's either. Boing.

3:18 PM  

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