Stuck in a Furrow

Monday, September 24, 2007

I Wish I May...I Wish I Might...

I love this season. The crisp morning air. The frosty windows. The yellowing leaves that have fallen on the ground. Season premieres. Pumpkin Spice lattes and cozy pajamas.

Soon fall will be in full swing and just around the corner is Christmas.

How do I know that Christmas is coming?

posted by Crystal at 7:13 PM 4 comments

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I went to the dentist today. It was time for my yearly cleaning. I am one of those strange people that actually like going to the dentist. When I was younger and had to have braces, I enjoyed my monthly appointments. Maybe it was the cool pen that I always got to take home. Maybe it was the fact that I could see (and feel!) the progress of having my teeth straightened. Or maybe it was the fact that I would conveniently schedule my dental visits as the same day as my social tests so I'd have both an extra day to study and my friends to tell me what was on the test. I'd like to credit my passing of grade 8 social to my friends and Dr. Thompson.

I like my dentist. She is very nice and quick and puts me through minimal pain. The hygienist today was super chatty which is ok since it passes the time. I never really enjoy the scraping part of the know, where they take that sharp, metal pick and ram and jam it between your teeth and make your gums bleed. Not my favourite although I do enjoy the aftermath of smooth, clean teeth. My dentist has a plethora of floride flavors and I'm one to always choose "mint" but rootbeer and cherry cheesecake were hard to pass up. So long ago were the days of bubblegum flavoured floss in the little packets which you did in school. The hygenist kept referring to my teeth as "perfect" and "well-maintained" which I don't really believe. She also told me that I brush TOO much. Is that possible? They can tell by gum trauma. Maybe I just brushed TOO much before my appointment in hopes that my lack of flossing would be hidden. She was amazed to find that I have only 1 teeny cavity. I like to credit that to my dislike of candy and most sweet things.

So, it looks like I'm good for another 6 months. One of the benefits of being diabetic is gum issues so I get to visit Dr. Bailey again in 6 months fo another round of toe-curling teeth scrapping. Lucky me.

Maybe I should ask her about teeth whitening so that I can have a truly "perfect" smile...
posted by Crystal at 5:25 PM 0 comments