Stuck in a Furrow

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

1835 Days? Is that it??

I found an article online today. How depressing.

I made a bet with my cousin Randy that I would be married by the time I was 25. This was going to cost him a whopping 25 bucks! Back when we made this bet, I was off to Bible School and it seemed completely do-able to get married by then. Getting married around 24 or 25 seemed like the perfect age to take the plunge and this gave me plenty of time to get done all the crazy stuff I wanted to do as a single. I was even close to making this marriage goal but things worked out for the best ;) I am now nearing that 25 mark and Randy, being the stellar guy that he is...extended my 'deadline'. It is now 28. Only a mere 3 years away. I might as well just fork over my 25 bucks and admit defeat.

Apparently, when this article was written for Newsweek 20 years ago, women who hit the big 3-0 had a better change of getting killed by terrorists then getting married.

Those are not good odds!
posted by Crystal at 2:08 PM 9 comments

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Losing it

I think I'm losing it. I've had a few moments in the past month where my mind was completely elsewhere and I started to verbalize my thoughts at wrong moments. Needless to say, it led to some embarrasing moments with patients who just looked at me with big eyes, wondering what the heck I was talking about. Wierd. This time, my lack of ability to function is blamed on the fact that I'm sick. I think I may have either developed allergies or I am just being blessed with a cold. Lucky me. On Friday, after I got to work, I decided to make me some tea so I plugged the kettle in....and left it boiling for 45 minutes. There was very little water left. I went home and slept all afternoon. They cancelled my shift at the jewlery store so I was happy to feel sorry for myself at home and went to bed early. I set my alarm for the ungodly hour of 8, thinking I was working the next morning. I never work that early on a Saturday. And..I was well aware that I had this weekend off. I had rented 3 movies so I had something to watch on Saturday. I got up at 8, showered...remembered...and went back to bed. I made breakfast and didn't turn the stove off. I went to get a squisy (diabetic friendly, I'm sure!) to go with my movies and not only did I not lock my door, I left the door open. Good thing I live in a locked apartment and all the other tenant were seeminginly gone. Phew. I missed Saturday night church becuase I thought it started a 1/2 hour later than it really did...even though I had been to this service many, many times. Later that night, I played a stimulating game of Rook with my biblestudy girls (these people love their Rook.) and left for home at 12:30. It is a 1/2 hour drive home and I was so off in my own little world that I missed my turn off Memorial. I was almost to Carmen's house, when I clued it. I suppose I could have stopped in for tea but at 1 am, she probably wouldn't have answered her buzzer. Smart girl. Then, this morning, I put my watch on upside down. You may be thinking that that isn't so strange...but I looked at it at least 4 times before clueing it. I kept thinking I was late.

I'm not normally this I?
posted by Crystal at 9:42 AM 5 comments

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Ups and Downs of A ...

medical receptionist make for an interesting and sometimes frustrating day! If I were honest, this past week was a brutal work week for me in that I cried...well...almost everyday at work. I think my boss thought I was close to a mental breakdown and sometimes I had to wonder myself. This week was looking much better.

Until Today!

A year ago, the Alberta College of Physicians put out a survey that they wanted Dr. P to complete. This survey took 25 random patients who came to the office over the course of a week and got them to fill in a short (45 question!) survey based on their visit. The doctor then filled in his part of the questionnaire and the results were sealed in seperate envelopes and we submitted them back to the ACP.

The results came back today.

The questions were along the lines of "did the doctor greet you in a pleasant, resepctful manner", "did the doctor spend a reasonable amount of time with you to address your concerns" and "did the doctor explain any and all tests, results and a possible diagnosis in terms you were able to understand". Well, of course he ranked himself really well...but the patients did not! They thought he didn't spend enough time and didn't explain things very well. So, now he is grumpy and won't stop talking about it! he even asked me to pull up the daysheets of the appointment bookings of that week LAST YEAR so he can see who came if that will tell him who he pissed off!

Oh well. At least he is talking about something besides the real estate market. I can only crunch so many numbers in my head about appreciation value when I don't really care about the topic at hand. If he tells me one more time that I should buy a house, then I might scream.

And don't even get me started on the fact that it is noon and he is watering the lawn. I will refrain from getting on my soapbox about people who water their lawn in the middle of the freakin' day. Especially as I watch the rain clouds gather in the distance.

Some days, I think life would be much easier if I was, say, a handyman!
posted by Crystal at 12:30 PM 3 comments

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I went to the zoo with mom and dad, Dustin and Bek and Carmen on Monday. It wasn't TOO bad, considering that I normally don't like going to the zoo. It was hot and smelled a lot like ass but I suppose that is to be expected! The highlight was getting to watch a snake in the Rainforest Exhibit eat a bird. Yup, a whole bird and we stood there and watched it for a good 1/2 hour while it got this bird down. We saw lions and tigers and bears, (Oh my) but for me, the highlight is always Destination Africa. Even the hippos were out and about. We did the obligatory walk through the Canada section even though we have seen most of those animals in the wild. Ooooo...a moose. Whatever. Check out Carmen's blog for the true highlights! Overall, it was a stellar day and I got to work on my tan, which is never a bad thing. No pasty whiteness for me this summer!

And then to top it off, mom and dad had a yummy BBQ on their fancy schmancy new deck. It was a good day and sure beat my previous plan of doing laundry!
posted by Crystal at 10:26 PM 3 comments

Thursday, May 18, 2006

It's a Crappy Day!

I didn't get the job with Samaritan's Purse.
posted by Crystal at 4:12 PM 4 comments

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Patience is a virtue...

...that I do not have!

I'm still waiting for a call about my interview.

They said 'early next week'

They said they'd call either way.

It is now past the mid-week point.

Maybe I'll hear something tomorrow.

This waiting can't mean something good. *sigh*
posted by Crystal at 4:24 PM 4 comments

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Bridget Who?

Last Friday, I decided to cut my hair. Since then, I have gotten 3 seperate comments about who I look like now. I also got this same comparision when I was in college.

Bridget Fonda.

I don't really see it but I suppose there could be worse people I could be compared to...
posted by Crystal at 9:19 AM 3 comments

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Hodgepodge of Thoughts

I had my interview this morning at the ungodly hour of 7:30am. I had to look pretty for this interview which takes a bit of time so that meant an uber early rise. I think it went ok. There were the typical interview questions such as "tell us of a time when you had a conflict with a boss and how did you resolve it" and "what are your greatest weaknesses in relation to your current job". I also got hit with the "tell us about your Christian walk" which I totally should have expected considering I was interviewing for a position with a Christian organiziation. The job is competely up my alley and honestly, if I don't get it, I will be quite bummed. I even resorted to name dropping...Darryl Janz or uncle Darryl as I (still)call him. This job involves dealing with the overseas project managers for various ministries and helping set up new contracts for new funding opportunities, tracking down and receiving quartery reports from the overseas ministries and the like. If I dream big enough and I get this position which is officially "Project Admin Assistant" I might be able to progress in the company and maybe one day travel to these projects and ministries and offer support and contacts and basically be a liason. How cool. I should know by early next week. The waiting is brutal.

On some unrelated notes...

I have been called many names. Critel (by my lovely grand 'rents) Lizzy, (Carmen!) Pookie (ahh, college), Rachel (my 'fake' name) and Tistoe (maybe my fav?). At work I get all kinds of variations of my name such as Christy and Krista and the like. I will even answer to 'dear' but there I draw the line. Don't call me hun or honey or anything like that unless A) you are buying me dinner or B) there is no B. I detest this yet I have a patient who routinely calls me hun. It creeps me out. Now if he was 80 or so, I might be ok with it. The elderly can get away with so much more...but he is 42! Ewww. At his last visit, he asked me where I grew up and what my father was like and if my grandparents had a good relationship. Am I in counselling or something?!?! He even said that he figured he "would get along great with my parents because I'm such a sweet girl". What? I'm confused. So, I complained to my boss and we referred him to another office. Good Riddence! The moral of the story is...don't creep out the receptionist.

I'm sad that Chris got the boot on AI. I have a horrible feeling that Taylor might win. Maybe if I didn't have to watch his spastic movements on stage, I might enjoy him more. I doubt it.
posted by Crystal at 12:34 PM 3 comments

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Crossing my fingers!

It is no secret that I have been restless at my job for the past few months. So, I've been job hunting. But not sucessfully.

Until today.

I got a call to set up an interview! I'm not sure what my chances are of getting this job but I really want to work for this company.

I hate interviews.
posted by Crystal at 3:02 PM 5 comments

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

They Spanked Our Ass

I will admit that I'm only a hockey fan only during playoffs. I love the excitment of the fans although I'm a nervous wreck when it gets too close of a game. I can't watch overtime. My stomach gets all twisty and I get nervous and flick the channel repeatedly. Anyways, I gladly jumped on the Flames bandwagon 2 years ago in our run for the cup. I went to the Red Mile a few times (but kept ALL my clothes on!), drove MacLeod Trail in bumper to bumper excitement, and did my fair share of honking when we made it into the final round. I jumped on the wagon again this year. I'm glad that my bandwagon isn't very far off the ground or falling off it might have hurt a bit more after our brutal defeat in game 7. Now I'm no expert on scoring (hehe) but I do know that in order to get a goal, there actually needs to be an attempt to put the puck in the net. It's not brain surgery. Three shots on goal in a whole period! That's crazy.
posted by Crystal at 9:35 PM 4 comments