Stuck in a Furrow
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Christmas Letdown
Today was my office Christmas Party.
I've never been to a "real" office Christmas Paty, or at least one that was for my own place of employment or not located at Frank Sissons.
It was not really worth it.
It was at Heritage Park, which was a cool location. Last year, they had great prizes such as Ipods, cameras, season passes....this year was gift certificates to Safeway, Home Depot ect. I didn't win anything. No surprise there...I never win.
The food was ok. The tea was hot. I had good converstions with dear friends and it was fun to see whose spouse went with with employee. I figured they should have played "match the spouse". I'd have kicked ass!
But other than that, it was not really all that exciting. I was home by 9.
I've never been to a "real" office Christmas Paty, or at least one that was for my own place of employment or not located at Frank Sissons.
It was not really worth it.
It was at Heritage Park, which was a cool location. Last year, they had great prizes such as Ipods, cameras, season passes....this year was gift certificates to Safeway, Home Depot ect. I didn't win anything. No surprise there...I never win.
The food was ok. The tea was hot. I had good converstions with dear friends and it was fun to see whose spouse went with with employee. I figured they should have played "match the spouse". I'd have kicked ass!
But other than that, it was not really all that exciting. I was home by 9.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I love the snow. I even kinda like this weather, until I leave my warm office that is. I was so excited this morning to get to pull my toque out of storage. It is a toque that I bought on my first trip to Africa. It says Bafana Bafana, which I think might have something to do with the South African soccer team, since there is a soccer ball on it. It is my favourite (and only) toque that I will wear. Now, I have uber flat hair, which isn't so pretty. Ruby also started this morning...on the first try and without needing to be plugged in. She is a trooper although she did do a bit of complaining with the cold weather. I think that deep down, she loves the winter. I went to my eye appointment this morning to make sure that my diabetes isn't causing me to go blind. I hate having my eyes dilated and then they had to put anesthetic in for this new test. Have you ever had the puff test? I hate the puff test, with the air blowing into your eyes. I think it tests for cataracts. This new test was like a giant pen that she would "poke" at my eyes. Thank goodness for the anesthetic although the nurse admitted to me that there really isn't that much anesthesia in the drops, but if people think there is, then they relax more. How very sneaky. Anyhoo, my eyes are good. No retinopathy (good medical word) there although there is some redness and inflammation. That means glasses for a few days to give my eyes a contact-break. Blah. Now I will have to deal with foggy glasses when I come inside.
I have a job interview this afternoon. Here's to hoping....
I have a job interview this afternoon. Here's to hoping....
Thursday, November 23, 2006
In a Mood
Let's get this straight. First In...First Out. This is the basic, most elementary rule of driving and 4 way stops. If you beat me there, you go first. Don't wave me though, smiling all chipper and think that you are doing the world a favor by being so nice. NOPE! Just freakin' go. It is your turn and the law was made to avoid mass confusion and stupid accidents. Should I go? No wait, he's going. Is he is going? Ok...I'll stop. No, he's stopping. I'll go. Crap. Crash! Seriously. Don't wave me through. I have the stubbornness of a mule. I will wait all blessed day if I have to. First in. First out. Or go back to driver's ed.
As you can probably tell, I'm having one of those days. Or weeks. I could hardly get out of bed this morning due to lack of motiviation. Pure and simple. Another day of opening mail (yup. I open mail. Mock away. ) and telling my two co-workers what to do every single step of the way was almost to much to bear. I'm so crazy behind in my transcription that I can't even bother to get caught up and so my weekend is already shot to shit. That amounts to about 12 hours of straight typing on Saturday to even get 1/2 done. I have to finish this book on leadership for this course that I'm taking and I am almost done but have trouble finding the time to get through it. My house is a mess and I literaly have about 5 items of clothes actually hanging in the closet. If you know how many clothes I have, this is astounding. They are all on the floor awaiting laundry, which I don't know when I will get done. I may have to go to work nekked next week and that won't be pretty. There just isn't enough time to my days!
I'm just in a mood. It will pass.
As you can probably tell, I'm having one of those days. Or weeks. I could hardly get out of bed this morning due to lack of motiviation. Pure and simple. Another day of opening mail (yup. I open mail. Mock away. ) and telling my two co-workers what to do every single step of the way was almost to much to bear. I'm so crazy behind in my transcription that I can't even bother to get caught up and so my weekend is already shot to shit. That amounts to about 12 hours of straight typing on Saturday to even get 1/2 done. I have to finish this book on leadership for this course that I'm taking and I am almost done but have trouble finding the time to get through it. My house is a mess and I literaly have about 5 items of clothes actually hanging in the closet. If you know how many clothes I have, this is astounding. They are all on the floor awaiting laundry, which I don't know when I will get done. I may have to go to work nekked next week and that won't be pretty. There just isn't enough time to my days!
I'm just in a mood. It will pass.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy Reading!
I found this on a blog that I routinely stalk. Since it was a rather stressful week, I thought this lame but interesting post would be appropriate.
Bam Bam Bam! My List of 100!
1. Like a typical girl, I have a box of keepsakes. Some of it is junk.
2. I have a doll collection. They are porcelin and quite pretty.
3. My favourite childhood toy was my black cabbage patch doll named Danielle. I still have the authenticity papers.
4. I like boy bands.
5. I can't bend my thumb on my right hand. It just won't bend.
6. I've had about 100 stitches.
7. I hate waffles.
8. My hair has been dyed many times but never blond.
9. I always dress a bit gothic for Halloween
10. I have 2 jobs. I like them both
11. I'm applying for another job at my office. I doubt I'll get it. I may cry (again)
12. I take yoga on Tuesdays and I've noticed an improvement in my bendiness.
13. I own a Simpsons CD
14. I hate StarTrek
15. I could read The Poisionwood Bible over and over and over
16. I might be mildy obsessed with Africa
17. I've been to Africa twice.
18. Bono is my least favourite person ever. The band is ok but I can't like them becasue of him.
19. I've only dated 2 boys in my life.
20. My friend is having a baby in about 3 weeks. It will be the first baby from my group of highschool friends. Becoming an adult is scary!
21. I can't really cook. I get to impatient
22. Patience is not my strong suit
23. I like cleaning the bathroom.
24. I own leather pants. I used to look hot in them. I'm too scared to try them on now!
25. My living room clock has no batteries and has been stuck at 10:11 for 9 months.
26. I have stolen a golf cart before
27. I think Raine Maida is one sexy Canadian musician
28. I have been to Disneyworld with my parents and brother when I was a senior
29. My second toe on my left foot is a hammer toe. Gross
30. I wish I had listened to my parents and practiced my piano so I could play now
31. I love to read.
32. I am diabetic. I don't wear a medic alert.
33. I haven't had supper yet. I might just get a coffee from Starbucks. Or a Misto.
34. I got my TV for free from my grandparents.
35. I keep in regular contract from only 1 person from my Bibleschool.
36. I look good in red.
37. My favourite color is red.
38. Ikea commercials make me laugh.
39. My favourite lame movie is Sister Act
40. My real favourite movie is Princess Bride.
41. I am mesmerized by This Is Daniel Cook. I can't turn it off and have discovered that he has a DVD. Maybe I'll get it for Christmas. (OH GOSH NO!)
42. I have seen a counsellor before. His advice was crap.
43. My car is named Ruby.
44. I have a stuffed bunny on my couch named Mutumbo. I should put him away but I love him.
45. I prefer to watch football over hockey.
46. My middle name is Dawn. I used to hate it but now I like it. I thought it was Don until I was about 10.
47. I have an older brother. We are only 16 months apart in age and I think we are closer than most siblings. That's cool.
48. I have a duck named Sebastian that I hold when I'm sad. He needs a wash.
49. I've been kissed by (or kissed) 5 boys.
50. I'm only half way done. This is hard.
51. I don't like RIck Warren. I think he is pompous.
52. I like the word pompous
53. I have a Medical Office Assistant Certificate.
54. I grew up on a chicken farm and lived in a trailer.
55. I have a crystal collection which I got from an uncle for my birthdays.
56. I keep my collection in my "hopeless" chest. It is full of trinkets and memories
57. I used to have both my bellybutton and nose pierced. I might repierce my nose
58. I have 4 tattoos. 1 needs to be changed!
51. Piglet is my favourie pooh character.
52. Sean Connery is the best bond but Daniel Craig is a very, very close second
53. My best friend used to think I was obnoxious. I thought she was painfully quiet.
54. I'm not a fan of Christmas. I'm not sure why.
55. Coke is the best thing to happen to eggnog
56. I sometimes drop the F-bomb.
57. Public speaking makes me want to barf
58. I have hazel eyes
59. I could sit in a car for days. I'm a great traveller
60. I watch George Strombolopoulos with the sound muted.
61. If I was smarter, I'd love to talk to Stephen Lewis.
62. I spent a summer working at Calway Park. It was a horrible job but I was skinny from all that walking.
62. When I play video games, I can't keep my body still. It is almost like I'm really driving that car!
63. I have dreams of living abroad.
64. I once got a boy's number on the bus. His name was James. I still have the note.
65. I have a list of things I want to accomplish before I die. I'm slowly getting them accomplished.
66. I wanted to be an obstetrician when I was in highschool. Maybe one day I'll become a midwife.
67. I don't know what the word transsubstantiation means. I think it is a theology term.
68. I had my first cavity filled this spring
69. My hair looks better short
70. Phew...almost done!
71. I have never seen all the Star Wars movies.
72. I have been going to the same church for a year and a half and I'm quite happy there
73. I have no real nicknames that have stuck.
74. I can crochet. I rarely finish a project
75. I want a cello to play as I walk down the aisle when I get married. It is the only thing set in stone.
76. I talk to myself. It helps.
77. Suberbia is my idea of hell
78. I have 8 piercings in my ears
79. The smell of cherry gum makes me nauseated.
80. I feel naked if I'm not wearing a watch.
81. My favourite childrens book is Little Black Sambo followed by The Velveteen Rabbit.
82. I want a Cavaliar King Charles puppy,
83. I have a healthy fear of drowning.
84. My bed has 4 pillows but I only sleep on 2.
85. I buy the trashy Star magazine for the crossword at the back.
86. I won a bike in a lottery 2 years ago. I never rode it but gave it to my brother, who rides it.
87. I love calla lillies. They just seem classy.
88. I can't walk in heels as I get all wobbly. I think a great pair of shoes can make or break an outfit.
89. When I cry, my eyes get bright green. I think they look fantastic!
90. Apples with peanut butter are my guilty pleasure
91. I like going to kareoke but don't like to sing. I might one day sing 9 to 5 by Dolly. It might take a few (and by few I mean 10) drinks.
92. I am the queen at buying tickets. 6th row at OLP, 4th at Chantal. I rock.
93. I think backless is way sexier than cleavage.
94. If I was rich, I'd get my nails done every week.
95. I like making budgets. I'm finally figuring out Excel.
96. I have about 3 cups of tea a day.
97. Sunday afternoon naps are a necessity, I think.
98. I have a thing for musicians. I don't like pretty boys.
99. I chew my lip when I'm reading or nervous
100. I sing loudly in my car. Sometimes I sing off key when I'm with my friends, just for kicks. It is always good for a laugh.
So, that's my list of 100. It was a heck of a lot harder than I thought it would be to write. Now it's your turn!
Bam Bam Bam! My List of 100!
1. Like a typical girl, I have a box of keepsakes. Some of it is junk.
2. I have a doll collection. They are porcelin and quite pretty.
3. My favourite childhood toy was my black cabbage patch doll named Danielle. I still have the authenticity papers.
4. I like boy bands.
5. I can't bend my thumb on my right hand. It just won't bend.
6. I've had about 100 stitches.
7. I hate waffles.
8. My hair has been dyed many times but never blond.
9. I always dress a bit gothic for Halloween
10. I have 2 jobs. I like them both
11. I'm applying for another job at my office. I doubt I'll get it. I may cry (again)
12. I take yoga on Tuesdays and I've noticed an improvement in my bendiness.
13. I own a Simpsons CD
14. I hate StarTrek
15. I could read The Poisionwood Bible over and over and over
16. I might be mildy obsessed with Africa
17. I've been to Africa twice.
18. Bono is my least favourite person ever. The band is ok but I can't like them becasue of him.
19. I've only dated 2 boys in my life.
20. My friend is having a baby in about 3 weeks. It will be the first baby from my group of highschool friends. Becoming an adult is scary!
21. I can't really cook. I get to impatient
22. Patience is not my strong suit
23. I like cleaning the bathroom.
24. I own leather pants. I used to look hot in them. I'm too scared to try them on now!
25. My living room clock has no batteries and has been stuck at 10:11 for 9 months.
26. I have stolen a golf cart before
27. I think Raine Maida is one sexy Canadian musician
28. I have been to Disneyworld with my parents and brother when I was a senior
29. My second toe on my left foot is a hammer toe. Gross
30. I wish I had listened to my parents and practiced my piano so I could play now
31. I love to read.
32. I am diabetic. I don't wear a medic alert.
33. I haven't had supper yet. I might just get a coffee from Starbucks. Or a Misto.
34. I got my TV for free from my grandparents.
35. I keep in regular contract from only 1 person from my Bibleschool.
36. I look good in red.
37. My favourite color is red.
38. Ikea commercials make me laugh.
39. My favourite lame movie is Sister Act
40. My real favourite movie is Princess Bride.
41. I am mesmerized by This Is Daniel Cook. I can't turn it off and have discovered that he has a DVD. Maybe I'll get it for Christmas. (OH GOSH NO!)
42. I have seen a counsellor before. His advice was crap.
43. My car is named Ruby.
44. I have a stuffed bunny on my couch named Mutumbo. I should put him away but I love him.
45. I prefer to watch football over hockey.
46. My middle name is Dawn. I used to hate it but now I like it. I thought it was Don until I was about 10.
47. I have an older brother. We are only 16 months apart in age and I think we are closer than most siblings. That's cool.
48. I have a duck named Sebastian that I hold when I'm sad. He needs a wash.
49. I've been kissed by (or kissed) 5 boys.
50. I'm only half way done. This is hard.
51. I don't like RIck Warren. I think he is pompous.
52. I like the word pompous
53. I have a Medical Office Assistant Certificate.
54. I grew up on a chicken farm and lived in a trailer.
55. I have a crystal collection which I got from an uncle for my birthdays.
56. I keep my collection in my "hopeless" chest. It is full of trinkets and memories
57. I used to have both my bellybutton and nose pierced. I might repierce my nose
58. I have 4 tattoos. 1 needs to be changed!
51. Piglet is my favourie pooh character.
52. Sean Connery is the best bond but Daniel Craig is a very, very close second
53. My best friend used to think I was obnoxious. I thought she was painfully quiet.
54. I'm not a fan of Christmas. I'm not sure why.
55. Coke is the best thing to happen to eggnog
56. I sometimes drop the F-bomb.
57. Public speaking makes me want to barf
58. I have hazel eyes
59. I could sit in a car for days. I'm a great traveller
60. I watch George Strombolopoulos with the sound muted.
61. If I was smarter, I'd love to talk to Stephen Lewis.
62. I spent a summer working at Calway Park. It was a horrible job but I was skinny from all that walking.
62. When I play video games, I can't keep my body still. It is almost like I'm really driving that car!
63. I have dreams of living abroad.
64. I once got a boy's number on the bus. His name was James. I still have the note.
65. I have a list of things I want to accomplish before I die. I'm slowly getting them accomplished.
66. I wanted to be an obstetrician when I was in highschool. Maybe one day I'll become a midwife.
67. I don't know what the word transsubstantiation means. I think it is a theology term.
68. I had my first cavity filled this spring
69. My hair looks better short
70. Phew...almost done!
71. I have never seen all the Star Wars movies.
72. I have been going to the same church for a year and a half and I'm quite happy there
73. I have no real nicknames that have stuck.
74. I can crochet. I rarely finish a project
75. I want a cello to play as I walk down the aisle when I get married. It is the only thing set in stone.
76. I talk to myself. It helps.
77. Suberbia is my idea of hell
78. I have 8 piercings in my ears
79. The smell of cherry gum makes me nauseated.
80. I feel naked if I'm not wearing a watch.
81. My favourite childrens book is Little Black Sambo followed by The Velveteen Rabbit.
82. I want a Cavaliar King Charles puppy,
83. I have a healthy fear of drowning.
84. My bed has 4 pillows but I only sleep on 2.
85. I buy the trashy Star magazine for the crossword at the back.
86. I won a bike in a lottery 2 years ago. I never rode it but gave it to my brother, who rides it.
87. I love calla lillies. They just seem classy.
88. I can't walk in heels as I get all wobbly. I think a great pair of shoes can make or break an outfit.
89. When I cry, my eyes get bright green. I think they look fantastic!
90. Apples with peanut butter are my guilty pleasure
91. I like going to kareoke but don't like to sing. I might one day sing 9 to 5 by Dolly. It might take a few (and by few I mean 10) drinks.
92. I am the queen at buying tickets. 6th row at OLP, 4th at Chantal. I rock.
93. I think backless is way sexier than cleavage.
94. If I was rich, I'd get my nails done every week.
95. I like making budgets. I'm finally figuring out Excel.
96. I have about 3 cups of tea a day.
97. Sunday afternoon naps are a necessity, I think.
98. I have a thing for musicians. I don't like pretty boys.
99. I chew my lip when I'm reading or nervous
100. I sing loudly in my car. Sometimes I sing off key when I'm with my friends, just for kicks. It is always good for a laugh.
So, that's my list of 100. It was a heck of a lot harder than I thought it would be to write. Now it's your turn!
Friday, November 17, 2006
I Love Fridays!
The shoeboxes are coming, the shoeboxes are coming...
As I type this, 50 ambulances as well as STARS and other emergency personal are on their way to Samaritan's Purse. They are coming to drop off the plethora of boxes that have been collected. There are news crews and many, many people milling around and a certain air of excitement.
There is cake. Good.
There are lots of shoeboxes. Good.
There is a mini-performance by Paul Brandt. Good.
There are men in uniform. GREAT!
As I type this, 50 ambulances as well as STARS and other emergency personal are on their way to Samaritan's Purse. They are coming to drop off the plethora of boxes that have been collected. There are news crews and many, many people milling around and a certain air of excitement.
There is cake. Good.
There are lots of shoeboxes. Good.
There is a mini-performance by Paul Brandt. Good.
There are men in uniform. GREAT!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Closing Doors
I got an interesting email today. I wasn't shocked to get it. It was time and I am ready to close that door to my life. I had written another post in reply to this email but it will remain hidden, for me only. I felt like I had to defend myself, and the post which caused all the ruckus. I've changed my mind. I don't need to defend myself or what I write or what I feel or what I want. Think what you want. Believe what you need to. Justify your actions as you see fit.
I am not sad. I'm not upset. I'm just disappointed, but not with myself.
I'm taking the high road and leaving this in the past.
I am not sad. I'm not upset. I'm just disappointed, but not with myself.
I'm taking the high road and leaving this in the past.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

This is Minion.
He lives in the field beside my office and comes to visit me by the window. He is rather frisky and love to run and jump and chase his own black-tipped tail.
I think he is cute. I wonder if he has rabies?
Monday, November 06, 2006
That's Ms. Accountant to You
If you know me, you know that math is not my strong suit. I almost failed Math 30...TWICE.
Obviously, God didn't get the "Crystal is stupid at math" memo.
I work in the financial department at a rather large non-profit organization. I deal with thousands of dollars a day in cash, cheques and credit card donations. I balance every singe day.
I am a teller at my church starting November 30. I will count and balance the tithes from our 4 weekend services.
On Friday, in our corporate devotions, we had a speaker. A single, white female. Working in Africa. (Darfur to be exact). She works in finance. Her term is up in May.
Friday afternoon, I got a call from Damon who asked me to be the accountant for my Emerging Leaders (now called Joshua Project) course. He was so confident in my abilities that I couldn't help but say yes.
Yup. Accountant. As in CFO. As is....YIKES!
I have to deal with fundraising and expense reports and budgets and receipts and spreadsheets and figures.
I think I have a calculator around here somewhere....
Obviously, God didn't get the "Crystal is stupid at math" memo.
I work in the financial department at a rather large non-profit organization. I deal with thousands of dollars a day in cash, cheques and credit card donations. I balance every singe day.
I am a teller at my church starting November 30. I will count and balance the tithes from our 4 weekend services.
On Friday, in our corporate devotions, we had a speaker. A single, white female. Working in Africa. (Darfur to be exact). She works in finance. Her term is up in May.
Friday afternoon, I got a call from Damon who asked me to be the accountant for my Emerging Leaders (now called Joshua Project) course. He was so confident in my abilities that I couldn't help but say yes.
Yup. Accountant. As in CFO. As is....YIKES!
I have to deal with fundraising and expense reports and budgets and receipts and spreadsheets and figures.
I think I have a calculator around here somewhere....
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Really? Mick? Really??? |
Um...feel free to tell me that I'm not nearly as difficult to look at as say, some of these celebrities. And I will always be baffled by the Asian girl. And Mick. And Liza.